Our professional network

Created in 1917 and world leader in research, scientific training and innovation in photonics, the Institut d’Optique regroups students from around the world while also training the pioneers and entrepreneurs of tomorrow. One of the courses of the school called Filière Innovation-entrepreneurs (FIE) fosters the creation of new start-ups. Since it was first put in place in 2008, more than 20 companies have emerged from this course, which represents more than 20 millions euros of annual turnover in 2018. These companies, of which 85% are still operating, are met with rapid growth internationally. Numerous projects, which our future engineers work on, are projects given by companies to students in order for them to better understand their future environment.
The double-degrees and masters in France (HEC, ESPCI Paris, IFSBM – Gustave Roussy, etc.) and abroad (KTH Royal Institute of technology Sweden, Imperial College UK, etc.) gives students the opportunity of having an even larger and complete program.

A few words from our principal

The Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS-SupOptique) is a "grande école", a major french engineering school. It is also a founding member of the ParisTech group as well as the Université Paris-Saclay group, among which there is four "grandes écoles" (CentraleSupélec, SupOptique, AgroParisTech and ENS Paris-Saclay). The international reach of IOGS reflects the quality of its courses and the major contributions of its research center. For more than a century, SupOptique has trained physics engineers, students doing their masters but also Ph.D. students; who invent and contribute to the development of numerous industrial activities and economics. All this is achieved by being one of the most innovative establishment in the business and academic worlds. Today, IOGS is an active player in the evolution of society thanks to the development of photonics. It offers a very high level course where the last technological and scientific advances are discussed (virtual and augmented reality, illumination, nanosciences, optics and energy, biological and medical diagnostics, communication and quantic sensors, …)" 

Jean-Louis Martin, Directeur Général de l’Institut d’Optique Graduate School

The Photonics Convention (Forum de la Photonique)

The Forum de la Photonique is an association of the Institut d’Optique Graduate School. Every year, in november, the Forum is organised. It is a convention that holds a central place in the photonics ecosystem.  
During a whole day our future engineers have the opportunity to meet and talk with more than 50 large firms such as Thalès, Huawei or L’Oréal but there are also about 15 labs and research centers like the ONERA or CEA. The Forum is also a place where companies and labs can offer internships, thesis opportunities or even jobs in various fields : optics, image processing, nano-techs, optronics, augmented and virtual reality, etc.
For students, the convention is a not to be missed event where they can find opportunities for their first job experience, in a firm or in a lab. That way they can comfortably start their professional careers as engineers.

Supoptique Alumni

Supoptique Alumni is a non-profit association composed of former students who graduated from the Institut d'Optique Graduate School. Its purpose is to establish and maintain relationships between "Alumni", considered as members of the same family. The Alumni, present throughout the world, form a community of engineers, researchers and managers who strive to support graduates in their careers by offering them personalized services. The link between Alumni and IOGS students is strengthened through events and meetings.

Our partners

BNP Paribas

Opto Services is partnered with BNP Paribas, the European leader in banking and financial services. With a global reach, it is one of the 6 strongest banks in the world according to Standard & Poor's. The Group has one of the largest international networks with a presence in 74 countries and 192,000 associates.

BNP Paribas is a long-time partner of Opto Services and our exclusive banking partner, and we are very pleased to have their support and experience.


Junior-Entreprises of Ile-de-France is the federating group of the most dynamic Junior-Entreprises of the Ile-de-France region.

Today, this partnership brings together twenty-eight entities and aims to develop Junior-Enterprises and to position them as privileged vectors of competence, at the service of project leaders, whether they are well-known figures in the business world or young entrepreneurs with innovative ideas. Covering a wide range of skills, the structures of the JIDF group combine the know-how of their schools with the quality requirements of the Junior-Enterprise movement.